Dots for .

Dots for Inc. will change the lives in African rural areas through the power of technologies.

Empowering Rural Africa with digital innovation

We live in a world full of possibilities, yet one vast region stands on the verge of significant transformation - rural Africa, holding immense potential

Unleashing the Potential of Rural Children

In the villages of Benin and Senegal, and soon across many African countries with limited network infrastructure, children can now dream big

Transforming Communities

Our digital services empower all rural residents, including women, enabling them to build new products and embark on a journey of economic empowerment.

Our Purpose

Unleash the constraints of the rural Africa

There are disadvantages that people have to tolerate by living in a rural area. Even if they choose to go to cities for job opportunities, they have to pay a high cost of living and live away from their family. Dots for Inc. exists to eliminate such disadvantages and build a world for everyone to choose where to live without feeling inconvenience.


Our Core Value Statements

Everything for customers

Everything we do is done to maximize the value delivered to our customers.

Trust all "dots"

We treat everyone with respect and believe that each of them is a "Dot" with the potential to change the world.

Shake your heart

We create moments that make our heart tremble as we pursue our beliefs.

Prove your value for the world

We must have a mission to prove the meaning of our existence through our own actions.

Tumble first

We are not afraid to fall down. A failure is not a failure if we have the opportunity to get up and learn a lot.

Be modest explorers

We must realize that we don't know what we don't know, we continue to search for a better world and continue our adventure to expand our world.

Stand on your feet

We doubt the well-known problems and taken for granted, and act based on your own experiences and thoughts as the party concerned.

Our Mission

Deliver the Internet connection and the benefit of Internet through Dots for to 200 million people living in rural areas in West African countries by 2030.

In Africa today, the majority of people live in small villages in rural areas that have been left behind by the wave of digitalization due to economic and geographical factors, and many people do not enjoy the convenience of online access. It is said that the Internet connection rate in Africa as a whole is less than 30%, but traditional telecommunication companies have little incentive to improve this situation from the perspective of profitability, and this negative situation will not improve anytime soon.

Dots for Inc. provides highly convenient digital services to these rural users with our unique technology. The last 1 mile internet connection is still an issue even in developed countries and newly developing countries such as ASEAN. Especially the rural areas of Africa and other developing countries are unlikely to be monetized by existing telecom towers and satellite constellation broadband communications and will not improve in the long term. Dots for Inc.'s solutions will focus on this segment, rural areas in Africa and developing countries.


Through collaboration and innovation, our mission is to contribute to a world where development is not just a goal but a continuous journey towards a harmonious and more equitable society.


It is a powerful force that promotes understanding, tolerance, and the creation of a supportive environment where diverse perspectives contribute to the achievement of shared objectives.

Support them

Whether it's financial aid or community projects, this simple phrase sums up the idea of supporting others to help them overcome difficulties and achieve their goals.


Our Services

The distributed wireless network technology "d.CONNECT"

Dots for is a distributed wireless network technology that selectively transmits through multiple wireless routers in a distributed manner, unlike the conventional star network centered on a base station.
Dots for will be installed in each rural village scattered across Africa, where the Internet communication network is still underdeveloped, using this technology, which is now in widespread use, to provide constant Internet access and various online services running on it.

Digitalization of Rural Areas realized by "Smartphone Installment Sales”

To facilitate access to our DC and better navigation for villagers, Dots for Inc.sells them smartphone for which they are required to pay per week.

Digitization of rural areas achieved through the sale of the very low-cost internet connection

Achieving digitization in rural areas hinges on the widespread availability of extremely affordable internet connections. By making these connections accessible at minimal cost, rural communities can harness the transformative power of digital technology to bridge socioeconomic gaps and drive inclusive development.

Our News


Selected for the ICT Startup League sponsored by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications

Selected for the ICT Startup League sponsored by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications


Raising funds for the construction of a communication network in rural areas of Africa

Dots for is pleased to announce that we have successfully raised a total of 100 million yen ...


Selected for G-STARTUP (6 batch) sponsored by GLOBIS

Dots for has been selected as one of nine companies as Main Track in the 6th of G-STARTUP, an accelerator program organized by GLOBIS...


Selected by Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub

Microsoft for Startups is a global startup support program offered by Microsoft Corporation and deployed globally in more than 140 countries.

Take the right step,
do the big things.

Villages visited
Paying customer
Customers data


Carlos Oba
Carlos Oba
CEO / Co-founder
Naoko Awa Yamasaki
Manager SR and Agent growth

If you have any query related investment...
we are available 24/7


Featured Image

20 Apr 2024

We’re proud to spotlight Germaine Kagbotemi, an amazing member of Dots for teams. She not only leads our growth teams and future projects but also demonstrates at times a relentless commitment to making a difference.

Featured Image

13 Apr 2024

At Dots for, we’re experiencing significant growth as we extend our reach to new villages. Currently operating in a growing number of villages across Benin and Senegal, each expansion naturally leads to the growth of our team. This shows the increasing acceptance of our ideology by both individuals and communities.

Featured Image

06 Apr 2024

At Dots for, our mission is about ensuring that every village we reach is equipped for progress right from the start. Not so long ago, when we stepped into a new community, a significant part of our decentralized networks operations prioritized establishing seamless operations before moving on to another community.

Fidjrossé, Cotonou, Bénin.
Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan
Mon-Fri, 8.00-18.00